“What is Kangen Water?”
We’ve searched the net high & low to find all the best videos. Unfortunately, we’ve not found a perfect 2min video with all the details on KANGEN WATER. Until we create one, look through these to fill in the blanks on the 3 main properties that make KANGEN WATER so special:
-It’s rich in the antioxidant MOLECULAR HYDROGEN (H2),
-I't’s “micro-clustering” in molecule groupings about 1/3 or typical water, &
-It’s alkalized as a result of electrolysis
Kangen Water machines also allow you to change PH levels of your water which
give you dozens of other uses, but we’ll let the videos cover the details!
2min 43sec Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is at the Core of Kangen Water & Tywon Hubbard EXPLAINS IT PERFECTLY in Less Than 3 Minutes!
9min 52sec Overall, THE BEST VIDEO I’ve Found to Explain Kangen in Under 10min! It’s Well Produced, but Demos the Model SD501 Instead of the Newer Model K8 I Own.
26min 50sec LOTS OF GREAT INFO & ALL THE SCIENCE!!. Dr. Michael Explains the Water Made by Kangen. “Electrolyzed Reduced Water” (ERW), or “Hydrogen Water” in Detail.
2min 36sec * MUST WATCH! * This Video has Clear & Accurate Info on Molecular Hydrogen,
11min 48sec GREAT Explanation @4min 45sec of why KANGEN WATER Does Electrolysis BEST!! Dr. Michael Does an Excellent Job of Covering Some of the Science Behind KANGEN.
2min 3sec Brief Demo of Some of Kangen Water’s Features. The Best 2min Video I’ve Found to Explain KANGEN. Leaves a Lot Out, but a Quick Watch.
This Video is EPIC!! Please Watch!! In This Short Film, Spoken Word Artist Prince Ea Makes a Powerful Case for Protecting the Planet and Challenges the Human Race to Create a Sustainable Future.
3min 52sec The BEST Test to Show Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Content!! This Guy Does a Simple “Chemical Titration Test” with Methylene Blue Drops.